Produkte zum Begriff Procurement:
Procurement and Supply Chain Management
Procurement and Supply Chain Management, 10th Edition, by Farrington is the most comprehensive and accessible textbook on procurement and supply chain management currently available. It is the ideal textbook for those aspiring to be leaders in the profession, and for those who are engaged in professional studies for the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply examinations (at both the foundation and professional stages). It is also of value to specialists in other fields who require understanding of the role and influence of this area of business performance. Using extensive real-life examples the subject matter has been brought to life throughout the book, and provides a truly international focus on procurement and supply chain. This fully revised edition covers new developments in the procurement and supply chain field, and offers new chapters on public sector procurement and socially responsible procurement. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.
Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Procurement and Supply Chain Management
Procurement & Supply Chain Management offers great value to those aspiring to be leaders in the profession and who are engaged in professional studies for the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply examinations at both the Foundation and Professional stages. It is also a valuable source of practical and reference information for practising professionals. This market-leading text continues its claim to be the most comprehensive textbook on procurement and supply chain management currently available. It is also of value to professionals and those specialists in other fields who need an understanding of the role and influence of this vital area of business performance.The subject matter has been brought to life using extensive real-life examples and a truly international focus on procurement and supply chain. This new fully revised edition covers new developments in the procurement and supply chain field, and offers increased coverage of project procurement and risk management, global sourcing and contract management, alongside a brand new chapter on Legal and Contractual Management. Dr Brian Farrington is the Managing Director of his specialist company, Brian Farrington Limited. They provide training and consultancy support to the public and private sectors of business. They work on major projects and high-value, high-profile and high-risk procurements. He has extensive experience in the USA, Canada, Southern Africa, Hong Kong and Europe. He has resolved major disputes and negotiated complex contracts, including outsourcing key business services.
Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Procurement and Supply Chain Management
Develop business understanding through real-life examples and latest developments in the field Procurement and Supply Chain Management, 10th Edition, by Farrington is the most comprehensive and accessible textbook on procurement and supply chain management currently available. It is the ideal textbook for those aspiring to be leaders in the profession, and for those who are engaged in professional studies for the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply examinations (at both the foundation and professional stages). It is also of value to specialists in other fields who require understanding of the role and influence of this area of business performance. Using extensive real-life examples the subject matter has been brought to life throughout the book, and provides a truly international focus on procurement and supply chain. This fully revised edition covers new developments in the procurement and supply chain field, and offers new chapters on public sector procurement and socially responsible procurement. New to this edition: A new chapter on Public Sector Procurement, recognising the public sector’s impact on the global economy A new chapter on Sustainability and Socially Responsible Procurement, recognising that this is a highly challenging global issue wherein procurement has great influence and more initiatives are needed Extensively updated throughout to reflect material changes in the procurement professio Dr Brian Farrington is the Managing Director of his specialist company, Brian FarringtonLimited. They provide training and consultancy support to the public and private sectors ofbusiness. They work on major projects and high-value, high-profile and high-riskprocurements. He has extensive experience in the USA, Canada, Southern Africa, Hong Kongand Europe. He has resolved major disputes and negotiated complex contracts, includingoutsourcing key business services. Pearson, the world’s learning company. Dr Brian Farrington is the Managing Director of his specialist company, Brian FarringtonLimited. They provide training and consultancy support to the public and private sectors ofbusiness. They work on major projects and high-value, high-profile and high-riskprocurements. He has extensive experience in the USA, Canada, Southern Africa, Hong Kongand Europe. He has resolved major disputes and negotiated complex contracts, includingoutsourcing key business services. Pearson, the world’s learning company.
Preis: 88.8 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Procurement Principles and Management in the Digital Age
Gain a comprehensive insight into the ideas and approaches to purchasing and procurementNow in its 12th edition, Procurement Principles and Management in the Digital Age by Baily, Farmer, Crocker and Jessop has been essential reading for practitioners and students of purchasing, procurement and supply chain management for nearly 50 years. The text has been updated to cover the continuous developments taking place in this field, and carefully balances emerging philosophies with proven and established thinking and practice in the profession. This new edition covers various existing and future concerns in procurement and supply chain such as digitalisation, sustainability and resilience.This ever-popular title offers: relevant case studies and research boxes that explore the topics introduced in the chapter in detail latest global examples of best practice in many key areas of purchasing and procurement expanded treatment of key topics, including supplier diversity, supplier relationship management, sustainability, retail procurement and category management additional material on Industry 4.0 elements such as e-procurement, Blockchain, the Internet of Things, Big Data, robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), chatbots and analytics post-Brexit implications on public sector procurement long-term impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on procurement and supply chain increased focus on social value strategies and approaches, contract management, procurement of consultancy and supply chain resilience approaches.About the authors:Peter Baily was Senior Lecturer at the Polytechnic of Wales and chief examiner for Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply (CIPS).David Farmer was Professor of Management Studies at Henley Management College.Barry Crocker is former Senior Lecturer at Salford University and former assistant examiner for CIPS.David Jessop is Emeritus Professor at University of South Wales and a Fellow of the CIPS.Pearson, the world's learning company
Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 €
Ist Recycling umweltfreundlich?
Ist Recycling umweltfreundlich? Recycling kann als umweltfreundlich betrachtet werden, da es dazu beiträgt, Ressourcen zu sparen, Energie zu reduzieren und die Umweltbelastung durch Deponierung und Verbrennung von Abfällen zu verringern. Durch Recycling können auch Treibhausgasemissionen reduziert werden, da weniger Rohstoffe abgebaut und verarbeitet werden müssen. Allerdings ist es wichtig, dass Recycling effizient durchgeführt wird und dass die recycelten Materialien tatsächlich wiederverwendet werden, um die Umweltvorteile zu maximieren. Es ist auch wichtig, dass Verbraucher und Unternehmen aktiv dazu beitragen, indem sie Abfälle richtig trennen und recycelbare Materialien verwenden.
Wie können Container effizient für den Transport und die Lagerung von Waren genutzt werden?
Container können effizient genutzt werden, indem sie standardisierte Größen haben und somit leicht auf verschiedenen Transportmitteln wie Schiffen, Zügen und Lkw transportiert werden können. Zudem können sie einfach gestapelt und gelagert werden, um Platz zu sparen. Durch die Verwendung von speziellen Containern für verschiedene Warenarten kann die Effizienz weiter gesteigert werden.
Wie können Container effizient für den Transport und die Lagerung von Waren eingesetzt werden?
Container können effizient genutzt werden, indem sie standardisierte Größen haben und somit leicht auf verschiedenen Transportmitteln wie Schiffen, Zügen und Lkw transportiert werden können. Zudem ermöglichen sie eine schnelle Verladung und Entladung der Waren, was Zeit und Kosten spart. Durch Stapelbarkeit und Wiederverwendbarkeit können Container auch platzsparend gelagert werden und sind somit eine effiziente Lösung für den Transport und die Lagerung von Waren.
Wie werden Container bei der Seefracht für den Transport und die Lagerung von Waren genutzt?
Container werden verwendet, um Waren sicher zu transportieren und zu lagern. Sie werden auf Frachtschiffen gestapelt und mit speziellen Kränen verladen. Die standardisierten Maße erleichtern den Umgang und die Verladung der Container.
Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Procurement:
Procurement Principles and Management in the Digital Age
Gain a comprehensive insight into the ideas and approaches to purchasing and procurementNow in its 12th edition, Procurement Principles and Management in the Digital Age by Baily, Farmer, Crocker and Jessop has been essential reading for practitioners and students of purchasing, procurement and supply chain management for nearly 50 years. The text has been updated to cover the continuous developments taking place in this field, and carefully balances emerging philosophies with proven and established thinking and practice in the profession. This new edition covers various existing and future concerns in procurement and supply chain such as digitalisation, sustainability and resilience.This ever-popular title offers: relevant case studies and research boxes that explore the topics introduced in the chapter in detail latest global examples of best practice in many key areas of purchasing and procurement expanded treatment of key topics, including supplier diversity, supplier relationship management, sustainability, retail procurement and category management additional material on Industry 4.0 elements such as e-procurement, Blockchain, the Internet of Things, Big Data, robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), chatbots and analytics post-Brexit implications on public sector procurement long-term impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on procurement and supply chain increased focus on social value strategies and approaches, contract management, procurement of consultancy and supply chain resilience approaches.About the authors:Peter Baily was Senior Lecturer at the Polytechnic of Wales and chief examiner for Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply (CIPS).David Farmer was Professor of Management Studies at Henley Management College.Barry Crocker is former Senior Lecturer at Salford University and former assistant examiner for CIPS.David Jessop is Emeritus Professor at University of South Wales and a Fellow of the CIPS.Pearson, the world's learning company
Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 € -
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1 Satz Küchen recycling behälter & Aufbewahrung beutel Küchen recycling behälter 100l Flaschen
Preis: 14.89 € | Versand*: 21.64 € -
1 Satz Küchen recycling behälter & Aufbewahrung beutel Küchen recycling behälter 100l Flaschen
1 Satz Küchen recycling behälter & Aufbewahrung beutel Küchen recycling behälter 100l Flaschen
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Mastering Risk and Procurement in Project Management: A Guide to Planning, Controlling, and Resolving Unexpected Problems
Master the crucial risk management and procurement tasks that are indispensable to project success! In Mastering Risk and Procurement in Project Management, expert project manager and seasoned professor Wilson addresses every stage of the project where risk management and procurement are relevant, especially planning, monitoring, and control. Teaching through relevant examples and case studies, Wilson explains: Why risk management and procurement are so crucial to achieving your project's goals The deep and surprising linkages that exist across risk management and procurement How to avoid common pitfalls How to integrate best-practice risk management and procurement throughout your PMBOK processes. Drawing on his own extensive experience, he offers in-depth coverage of topics ranging from contracting and risk monitoring to project close-out, and gives readers practical knowledge of critical processes and tasks in project management.
Preis: 27.81 € | Versand*: 0 €
Welche Verpackung ist umweltfreundlich?
Welche Verpackung ist umweltfreundlich? Umweltfreundliche Verpackungen sind solche, die aus nachhaltigen Materialien hergestellt werden, wie zum Beispiel recyceltes Papier oder Karton. Sie sind biologisch abbaubar und können leicht recycelt werden, um Ressourcen zu schonen und Abfall zu reduzieren. Verpackungen, die auf den Einsatz von Plastik verzichten oder zumindest auf recyceltes Plastik setzen, gelten ebenfalls als umweltfreundlich. Zudem sind Verpackungen, die ressourcenschonend hergestellt werden und möglichst wenig Energie und Wasser verbrauchen, eine gute Wahl für die Umwelt. Letztendlich ist es wichtig, dass Verpackungen so gestaltet sind, dass sie nach Gebrauch einfach und effizient entsorgt werden können, ohne die Umwelt zu belasten.
Wie viel kostet ein Container Transport?
Wie viel kostet ein Container Transport hängt von verschiedenen Faktoren ab, wie der Entfernung, der Größe des Containers, dem Transportmittel und den aktuellen Marktpreisen. Es gibt keine feste Preisangabe, da jeder Transport individuell kalkuliert wird. Es ist ratsam, sich an verschiedene Transportunternehmen zu wenden und Angebote einzuholen, um den besten Preis zu erhalten. Zudem können Zusatzleistungen wie Verpackung, Versicherung oder Zollabfertigung die Kosten beeinflussen. Es ist wichtig, alle Details des Transports zu klären, um eine genaue Kostenschätzung zu erhalten.
Wie können Container effizient genutzt werden, um den Transport und die Lagerung von Waren zu optimieren?
Container können effizient genutzt werden, indem sie standardisierte Größen haben und somit leicht auf verschiedenen Transportmitteln wie Schiffen, Zügen und LKW transportiert werden können. Zudem ermöglichen sie eine schnelle Verladung und Entladung der Waren, was die Transportzeiten verkürzt. Durch die Stapelbarkeit der Container können Lagerflächen effizient genutzt werden und die Waren können platzsparend gelagert werden.
IBCs sind Intermediate Bulk Container, auch bekannt als IBC-Tanks. Sie sind große, wiederverwendbare Behälter, die zur Lagerung und zum Transport von Flüssigkeiten und Schüttgütern verwendet werden.
IBCs sind eine praktische Lösung für Unternehmen, die große Mengen an Flüssigkeiten oder Schüttgütern lagern oder transportieren müssen. Sie sind robust, wiederverwendbar und können einfach mit Gabelstaplern oder Kranen bewegt werden. Durch ihre Größe und Stabilität eignen sie sich gut für den Einsatz in verschiedenen Branchen wie Chemie, Lebensmittel oder Landwirtschaft. Die Verwendung von IBCs kann dazu beitragen, die Effizienz und Sicherheit bei der Lagerung und dem Transport von Materialien zu verbessern.
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